Ever you thought of being a Bibliophile…?

Let everybody knows

Reading books doesn’t make you bored…! This feels like heaven when you get started to feel.     

According to Yale University study, Reading could help you live longer. People who read books live for around two years longer than those who doesn’t irrespective of gender, wealth, education or health.

Reading books that clears your mind take you to them imaginary world of being read.

“Books train your mind to imagination to think big.” – Taylor Swift

While reading books you are allowed to feel

1. Relaxation

2. Stress free

3. Improves knowledge

4. Increases your imagination and creativity

5. Mainly improves concentration

6. Improves mental health

Is that not only a pleasure or any benifits beyond enjoyment??

     Solution yes…!

Some says you should read books everyday. Reading is good for you , it improves your focus, memory, empathy and communication skills. If you are new to reading books,then make yourself comfort to start reading. Start thinking about reading books is not enough, make your boredom as advantage, start to choose your book collection to your choice, my recommendation is to choose book version of movies and shows. Schedule a time to read books, and for more interest became a character of your book.

Here are some list of books that you want to read in your lifetime..!

1. The Alchemist

2. The power of your subconscious mind

3. Ikigai

4. To kill a Mockingbird

5. Who will cry when you die

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” – Don’t give up on reading…!

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